Run For The Roses

Run For The Roses, the underground lair at Dairy Block, pays homage to the elegant cocktail clubs of yesteryear. Serving classic libations in a cozy yet sociable setting with hints of superstition and luck seen throughout. Run for the Roses offers a seasonal menu of crafted cocktails and rare and vintage spirits, along with parlor snacks. Open Thursday through Sunday nights


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Run For The Roses was birthed from the rich history of it’s building at 1801 Blake Street In Denver, Colorado. Once home to the Windsor Creamery, this 1890’s building houses the horse stables for it’s deliveries. Most recently, it’s last tenant occupied the upstairs with an Irish Bar. This bar held the only license in the state for off track betting. Hince a rich history of equestrian lore, gambling, luck and superstition were reimagined into this quaint underground cocktail bar.

Focusing on classic cocktails with high efficiency, the 70 seat bar turns out close to 500 drinks every night with a staff of only 5. The concept delivers an upscale level of service four nights per week at a high volume pace, leading to an annual revenue of $1M in only 2,000 sq ft.